Occupational Health & Safety

Our Commitment to Safety

At AenZay, we prioritize the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the communities we serve. Our comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) program ensures a safe working environment, preventing accidents and promoting well-being. We believe that every individual has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and we are committed to making this a reality through stringent policies, continuous training, and proactive measures.

We utilize the latest technology and equipment to enhance safety, including:

Training and Education

We invest in ongoing training programs to ensure that our employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to maintain a safe workplace. Our training includes:

Induction Training: Comprehensive safety orientation for all new employees.

Regular Safety Drills: Routine practice of emergency procedures.

Specialized Training: Courses tailored to specific job roles and risks, such as handling hazardous materials or operating heavy machinery.

Health and Wellness Programs: Initiatives to promote physical and mental health, including stress management workshops and fitness programs.

Safety Culture

Building a culture of safety is at the heart of our approach. We foster an environment where safety is everyone’s responsibility and encourage open communication about potential hazards. Our initiatives include:

Safety Committees

Employee-led groups that focus on identifying and mitigating safety risks.

Safety Committees

Employee-led groups that focus on identifying and mitigating safety risks.

Safety Awards

Recognition programs that reward employees for exemplary safety practices.

Safety Awards

Recognition programs that reward employees for exemplary safety practices.

Feedback Mechanisms

Channels for employees to voice concerns and suggest improvements. Protective Equipment and Technology

Feedback Mechanisms

Channels for employees to voice concerns and suggest improvements. Protective Equipment and Technology

Our Commitment in Action

Our dedication to occupational health and safety is reflected in our track record. We continually strive to improve our safety performance through:

Regular Audits

Frequent reviews and audits of our safety practices and procedures.

Continuous Improvement

Implementation of the latest best practices and technological advancements in safety.

Community Engagement

Participation in industry-wide safety initiatives and sharing our knowledge and practices with the broader community.

ISO 9001 & ISO 45001 RICI Certified


World Health & Safety Day 2024 Celebrated On Site & AenZay Head Office